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Models and simulations are used in every branch of science from physics to biology, economics, geology and medicine. In this course we will address some of philosophical questions that arise with the use of these epistemic tools, including the definition of a scientific model, how a model can represent a target system in the world, and how models can explain, given their idealizations and incompleteness.Schedule of Topics: 1. What is a Scientific Model?3. Model Representation: Isomorphism 4. Model Representation: Similarity 5. Model Representation: Inference6. Model Explanation: Representationalism7. Model Explanation: The Role of Idealization8. Model Explanation: Explanatory Fictions9. Simulated Models: New Philosophical Issues?10. Simulated Models: Are they Experiments?Course Readings: A course pack will be provided.WITTGENSTEIN AND NATURAL SCIENCEJohn Preston (University of Reading)This course will cover aspects of the relationship between the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein and the natural sciences.We will start by studying both the impact of the natural sciences upon Wittgenstein抯燭ractatus Logic-Philosophicus, and the remarks on natural science in that book. We will consider features of Wittgenstein抯 thought such as the燘ild?model or picture) conception of language, the relationship Wittgenstein posits between philosophy and natural science, and his book抯 remarks on induction, causality, and scientific theories. Along the way, we will bear in mind the ways in which the work of philosopher-physicists such as Heinrich Hertz, Ludwig Boltzmann, and Ernst Mach may have informed Wittgenstein抯 views.We will then trace the development of Wittgenstein抯 views on these matters through his 憁iddle period (1929 onwards), and into his later philosophy. We will look at his verificationist phase, the influence of his work on figures from the logical positivist movement (Moritz Schlick and Friedrich Waismann), his use of ideas from some contemporary philosopher-scientists (such as Albert Einstein), and his critiques of others (such as Sir Arthur Eddington) as well as his remarks on the phenomenon of 憇cientism?Course Readings: A course pack will be provided.THE PHILOSOPHY OF EVIDENCEJulian Reiss (University of Durham)This course will provide an overview of philosophical problems and theories of evidence, with a particular focus on scientific evidence. Whether a murderer is convicted in the courtroom, a historian establishes an explanation of a world political event or the surgeon general declares that 慡moking causes lung cancer? hypotheses, scientific or other, should not be accepted, asserted or used unless adequately supported by evidence. Beyond this truism, there is, however, little agreement among philosophers about what evidence is, how precisely it relates to the hypothesis it is meant to support and what inferences a given body of evidence warrants. This course will study a number of proposals addressing these issues philosophers have made such as Bayesianism, hypothetico-deductivism, explanationism, the error-statistical approach, Achinstein抯 theory and contextualism. Students will learn why it is important to think philosophically about evidence, what theories there are and where they fail, and how scientists, historians and lawyers reason with evidence. Throughout, philosophical problems and positions will be motivated and illustrated by case studies drawn from science, social science, policy, history and the law.Course Readings: A course pack will be provided.THE PHILOSOPHY OF PROBABILITYMauricio Su醨ez (Complutense University of Madrid & University of London)This course will focus on philosophical attempts to understand the nature, role and use of probability as it appears in the diverse sciences. The course is divided intro three parts. The first part will introduce the topic historically, by first studying its emergence in the actuarial and medical sciences in the 17th and 18th centuries, and then focusing on its prominent role in the natural and social sciences from the 19th century onwards. The second part of the course will systematically study the main philosophical interpretations of probability, namely the classical, logical, subjective (Bayesian) and objective (frequency) interpretations of the Kolmogorov calculus. The third and final part of the course will address yet another objective approach, the propensity interpretation, and will raise a number of issues and problems that are nowadays much discussed in the field.A course pack will be provided. Most of the material will be extracted from Part I: Hacking, I., The Emergence of Probability (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975) and Hacking, I., The Taming of Chance (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990); Part II: Gillies, D., Philosophical Theories of Probability (London: Routledge, 2000) and Mellor, H., Probability: A Philosophical Introduction (London: Routledge, 2005); Part III: The above and in addition Su醨ez, M., Review of H. Mellor, Theoria, 2011, and Su醨ez, M., 慞ropensities and Pragmatism? Journal of Philosophy, vol. CX (2), 61-92, 2013.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Application INFORMATIONEach member will receive the course texts or reading pack for the lecture courses. In addition to the courses, there will be smaller Reading Groups and an informal Common Room. Members must attend all required instruction and submit an examination essay at the end of the session. The fee for members from outside Mainland China is US$ 240.00 or RMB 1500.00. The fee for those accepted as auditors from outside Mainland China is US$ 80.00 or RMB 500.00.Members and auditors must arrange their own transport to Xiamen and pay for accommodation and meals at Huaqiao University, Xiamen.Please send your completed application form to arrive by post or email to Ms. Gao YingInstitute of PhilosophyChinese Academy of Social Sciences5 Jianguomennei Dajie Beijing CHINA 100732E-mail: HYPERLINK "https://owa.nexus.ox.ac.uk/owa/redir.aspx?C=WCsYEodOt0O_cOF6q6bcMlUGiSWy5M8IJKKqULenhbd6ePY_pJPsR68m_g3IjjRJ5ls1i0HptIY.&URL=mailto%3agaoyinggao%40126.com" \t "_blank"gaoyinggao@126.com .The deadline for application is 20 May 2015.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Application FormPHILOSOPHY SUMMER SCHOOL IN CHINA2015 SESSION: PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCEHUAQIAO UNIVERSITY, XIAMEN20 July - 9 AugustFAMILY NAME:GIVEN NAME:SEX:AGE:UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE or WORK UNIT:WORK ADDRESS:WORK TELEPHONE NUMBER:WORK FAX NUMBER:HOME ADDRESS:HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER:HOME FAX NUMBER:EMAIL ADDRESS:NAME OF REFEREE:REFEREE'S TITLE:REFEREE'S DEPARTMENT:REFEREE'S UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE ADDRESS: su = S   A B Y t u v w D c 67FGHUghi蹁踣搪踣踣踣帝踣踣┷踣酡鯖曐媱z﹒﹌ h?CJh/ h/ CJh/ h/ 5丆Jh/ 5丆Jh諵h(7 5丆J h誵CJh諵5丆Jh5丆J h/ CJ h(7 CJh(7 h(7 5?丆J\h(7 h(7 ;丆Jh(7 h(7 ;丅*CJphh(7 h(7 CJ!h(7 h(7 B*CJnH phtH h(7 h(7 5丆J'"Fasu = l    A B v w $a$gd/ $a$gd(7  7$8$H$gd(7 gd(7 -DM gd(7 $0凓*$]凓a$gd(7  4W 67hi,.$a$gd?$a$gd$a$gd/ gd/ 勑`勑gd(7 gd(7  麈益益谋爫噠tn]J@9h<\5丆Jh<\h<\5丆J%h9h誵B*CJaJmH phsH !h9h誵B*CJmH phsH  h/ CJh/ h/ CJh/ h/ 5丆J h?CJ$hS^h?5丅*CJmH phsH !h諵h諵B*CJmH phsH $h諵h諵5丅*CJmH phsH h?B*CJmH phsH 'hS^h?6丅*CJ]乵H phsH !hS^h?B*CJmH phsH hS^h?CJ34€YZgd祣0gd(7 $a$gd<\$a$gd誵gd誵$a$gd/ gd?$a$gd?34}€DEKXZvx57J^`黝遨仗彰冬冬潿巶u瑵f琭瑵冬秄fh8#h<\6丅*CJphh<\h<\B*CJphh<\5丅*CJphh8#h<\5丅*CJphhHh<\5丅*CJphh<\B*CJphh8#h<\B*CJphh/ h<\CJh/ h/ CJ h/ CJh/ h/ 5丆Jh/ h誵CJh<\h誵CJh<\h<\CJ(  %&(=QXYZ  r "4"蜩勹蚴蜩蜩蜩蚧蜩唙i_i_iQ *h祣0h祣0OJQJ^Jh祣0OJQJ^Jhh祣0OJQJ^Jhh祣05?丱JQJ^Jh祣05?丱JQJ^JhwWwh祣05丱JQJ^Jh祣0h(7 h(7 CJhHh<\B*CJphhHh<\6丅*CJphh8#h<\6丅*CJphhHh<\5丅*CJphh<\B*CJphh8#h<\B*CJph ??$$L$M$Z$r$???????.&/&@&b&?$0?*$]?a$gd祣0 $$@&a$gd祣0gd祣0gd祣0$a$gd祣04"???>#x#??L$M$????????}%~%%????????.&@&箦筘呜呜瘟瘟瘟瘟沟椆翆~n~霖^hh祣05?丱JQJ^J *h+h祣05丱JQJ^Jhh祣05丱JQJ^J *h祣0OJQJ^J$h梑h祣0>*B*OJQJ^Jphjh祣0Uh祣0jh祣0Uh梑h祣0OJQJ^Jh祣0OJQJ^Jhh祣0OJQJ^J *h祣0h祣0OJQJ^Jh奮h祣0OJQJ^J@&b&f&i&?????????@<@X@^@_@`@a@c@d@f@g@i@j@m@n@疱族族族资朗臼朗惮hj $jhj $Uh(7 h(7 CJh$@h祣0CJUh祣0OJQJ^Jhh祣0OJQJ^JhwWwh祣05丱JQJ^Jh祣05丱JQJ^JhwWwh祣05丱JQJ\乛J????????????? 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